Saturday, 28 February 2015


Submitted by:
Arc. Nnaobi Emmanuel C.[professional member]
Accepted: 25th. Feb.2015

Launching the new AUTOCAD 2014 interface was a great experience. it looked and felt fresh. I hadn't used a latest version software recently. my last was Autocad 2012 but I had to revert to 2010, when I experienced some sluggishness in panning and zooming functions...smh!

Just YEsterday, my Autocad 2010 wont open. When I tried, it displayed the following error message:

"the application has failed to start because its side by side configuration is incorrect. please see the application event log or.....bla bla bla!!"

I hadnt used the app in a long while, so I was thrown off when I saw this. But as usual I went online, Thanks to google, I found some Autocad user forum where someone suggested the solution could be uninstalling and re-installing a program called microsoft  c++ redistributable. I ran this by my local system administrator, he didnt know anything about it, rather he advised me to simply install AUTO CAD 2014 and do my work.

AUTOCAD 2014 - Autocad Classic Workspace

When we eventually did, the first time screen looked strange. I was uncomfortable with the new positions of the tools. I loved my previous classic workspace back at 2010. I had a bit of trouble finding the switch. but I did and here above is a  screenshot from my beautiful Autocad 2014-classic workspace. I think it looks amazing!! The red circle near the down right corner in the image points to where YOU can also find and switch yours.

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