Submitted by:
Arc. Ikenna Nwabuike [Professional member]
Accepted: 25th Mar.2015
Architects in dealing with distant clients are often requested to send and receive drawings through or over the internet. these drawings may be pictures, .dwg or .pdf files. pdiles are however the most widely used formats for several reasons. This is due to its light weight, versatility, non-edit-ability (in some cases). Compared to the .dwg, .jpeg or any other file formats, the .pdf file format has come to be known as the business file format.
Arc. Ikenna Nwabuike [Professional member]
Accepted: 25th Mar.2015
This post is dedicated to teach the Architect how to convert a CAD drawing (.dwg) file into a .pdf file as well as how to merge these .pdf files into one in case this is required.
Step 1: Open the drawing file on your AutoCad workspace.
Step 2: go to file - print - under plotter select .dwg to .pdf plotter (How to install PDF plotter) if its not found in your list of plotters.
Step 3: select desired paper size iI.e a4, a 3 or other.
Step 4: using the window tool marquee the drawing from your model workspace and cluck preview to see how it is positioned on paper.
Step 5: click OK and set save folder for he new .PDF file. You may repeat the process to create several sheets of your drawing eg floorplan, elevation, sections e.t.c.
Step1: (dont laugh) please dont bother touring the web scavenging for apps that promise the whole workd and deliver nothing. Just download an app called "PDF merger" (from playstore) on your android phone.
Step 2: once you have this simple but very efficient app installed on your desktop you can copy all the pdf files to your phone using your usb cable.
Step 3: open the app interface and add the files which you need to merge and click merge.
Step 4: specify the file name and save location.
Step 5: you are done!
Step 1: Open the drawing file on your AutoCad workspace.
Step 2: go to file - print - under plotter select .dwg to .pdf plotter (How to install PDF plotter) if its not found in your list of plotters.
Step 3: select desired paper size iI.e a4, a 3 or other.
Step 4: using the window tool marquee the drawing from your model workspace and cluck preview to see how it is positioned on paper.
Step 5: click OK and set save folder for he new .PDF file. You may repeat the process to create several sheets of your drawing eg floorplan, elevation, sections e.t.c.
Once you have finished saving those different drawings as different .PDF files, you can either send them individually or merge them into one .PDF file. This has the advantage that the mail you will be sending to your client will be compact and scrollable as against the open- view-close, open - view - close .....method of viewing single .pdf files.Step1: (dont laugh) please dont bother touring the web scavenging for apps that promise the whole workd and deliver nothing. Just download an app called "PDF merger" (from playstore) on your android phone.
Step 2: once you have this simple but very efficient app installed on your desktop you can copy all the pdf files to your phone using your usb cable.
Step 3: open the app interface and add the files which you need to merge and click merge.
Step 4: specify the file name and save location.
Step 5: you are done!
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