Sunday, 9 August 2015


Submitted By:  
Kosi Emmanuel Chukwujindu [consultant Architect] 
Accepted 5th Aug. 2015

As an Architect, you will be required to prepare work estimates in form of job quotations for proposed projects. Your ability to predict or forecast real life site requirements from your drawing board will be tested.
Whether you fail or suceed has serious functional implications through the project timeline. Some contracts do not leave room for future ammendments while some do. Whichever the case is, it is adviseable to predict and provide for as much as posssible afore time.

p.o.p skirting
Sample: Quotation for Proposed gate skirting.
There is no hard or fast technique on preparing a quotation for a job. There are however a few well known techniques that work.
First is the traditional bill of quantities, featuring the tabular arrangement of work description, quantity, rates, and amounts. Commonly used by quantity surveyors. This method usually involves some pre-training in form of university education or work experience. It is the professional method of presenting job estimates.

Second is the semi formal letterheaded paper with the estimate handwritten or typewritten, signed and delivered to the client under seal. This method proves handy and easier for semi skilled and unskilled technicians who are called upon to do a special service in the site.
Here is an example of this type:

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